Frequently Asked Questions
I Need a Quote. Whom Do I Contact?
The attorneys’ fees and costs incurred on your behalf depend on many factors such as the time and labor required, the novelty and difficulty of the matter, the skill required to perform the legal service properly, and the experience of the lawyer(s) performing the service. Because each family law matter is unique, it is not possible to determine the total amount of attorney’s fees and costs at the outset of your case. During your initial consultation, the attorney you are meeting with will provide you with an initial minimum retainer for your case. You will be billed for work performed against that retainer and, in the event that additional amounts are incurred, you may be asked to replenish the retainer and/or remit monthly payments to the firm. To schedule an initial consultation, please contact our office at (305) 679-9744 to speak with one of our legal assistants.
What type of paperwork should I prepare?
What is covered in a consultation?
What Are the Payment Methods You Accept?
Are You the Right Law Firm for Me?
Our law firm specializes in two distinct areas of law: marital and family law and civil litigation. This has allowed us to develop a mastery in these nuanced areas of law and provide the highest caliber legal services to our clients. Our firm is a multi-lingual practice with attorneys and employees fluent in English, Spanish, and French. We are also certified as a minority, women, and Florida Veteran Business. Our firm and experienced attorneys boast a variety of accolades including “Best Law Firms,” “Top Lawyers in Florida,” and the like.
How Will I Be Kept Informed about My Case?
Do I Really Need an Attorney?
It is helpful for any individual subject to a legal proceeding to be informed of their potential entitlements and/or obligations under Florida law. Only an attorney can fully advise you in this regard and effectively advocate on your behalf.
How Is Child Custody Determined?
There is no longer a designation of a custodial parent in Florida. Instead, a Parenting Plan must be formulated, either by the parents as part of their settlement, or by the Court following trial. The Parenting Plan should contain an allocation of parental responsibility, a timesharing schedule, and financial obligations for support of the child(ren). Parental responsibility refers to the authority each parent has to make major decisions regarding the child(ren), including health, medical care, education, religious upbringing, extracurricular activities, and general welfare. Usually the Court will award “shared parental responsibility,” which requires that both parents confer and make joint decisions on all matters of significance involving the child(ren). Timesharing refers to the amount of time the child(ren) spends with each parent. Child support is calculated based upon the respective net incomes of the parties and will include division of child-related expenses. Formulation of Parenting Plan is always based upon the best interests of the child(ren). Florida Statutes provide factors for the Court to consider when determining parenting responsibilities and timesharing, and those factors include each parent’s willingness to encourage a close relationship with the other parent, to act appropriately upon the needs of the child(ren), and to communicate with the other so the parents can adopt a unified front on significant issues affecting the child(ren). During the initial consultation with you, the attorney may discuss how to apply these factors to your case.
How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce?
The length of your divorce will vary depending on a variety of circumstances which range from the extent and size of the marital estate to each side’s willingness to reach a speedy and harmonious resolution. Each divorce has its own unique set of facts and issues which affect the complexity, and ultimately the length, of an individual’s case. For an estimated timeframe of how long your divorce could take, it is crucial to consult with an experienced marital and family law attorney. An attorney at our firm will be able to evaluate the issues specific to your case and provide potential timelines for your proceedings.
Is mediation more affordable?
Why do you need financial statements?
In most family law proceedings, Florida Family Law Rules of Procedure 12.285, requires that the parties exchange “mandatory disclosure.” Mandatory disclosure is the mutual exchange of various documents such as tax returns, bank and brokerage statements, and credit card statements. The exchange of mandatory disclosure is a crucial part of family law proceedings. Through this process the parties exchange essential documents that will provide a complete financial picture and enable the attorney to best advise the client of his or her rights and obligations under Florida law on issues such as equitable distribution of marital assets and liabilities, spousal support, and child support. An experienced marital and family law attorney at our firm will be able to evaluate your case and further explain what types of financial statements and other documents you can expect to be required to provide above and beyond the mandatory disclosure. The use of a forensic accountant is encouraged in financially complicated cases.
Can I meet with my lawyer on zoom?
Yes, you can meet with us on Zoom! We can schedule meetings via Zoom, by phone, or in person.